Merry Christmas!? Is it??

So, what’s merry about Christmas?

Faith And Finishing Well

You’ve heard the saying, “There are only two things that are certain: death and taxes.”  I think there’s a third certainty — we don’t like to talk about the first two!  Yet, April 15th rolls around every 365 days; and, one day, so will your last day on this earth.  As I said in the video, the Bible says our lives here “are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” (James 4:14) In plain English – none of us are here for very long!  So, if death is coming for us all, why do we pretend it’s not? Or, and I’m not trying to be morbid here, why aren’t we willing to talk about it?  Could it be that we’re afraid?  My mom wasn’t, and you don’t need to be either!  How is that possible?

Want to know the two things the Bible says are certain to cast out fear?  The first is faith in Jesus Christ, who gave his life to save ours; and then, three days later, conquered death.  The second is a “perfect love that drives out fear.” (1 John 4:18). In other words, you need a relationship with the One who loved you enough to give his life to save yours.  You see, a relationship with Jesus spans eternity, and; and, seeing Jesus was what mom looked forward to the most!  How about you?    

Would You Introduce me to Jesus?

We’re often asked “Dave, what’s a Discovery Discussion?” Well, Dave tells us about a Discovery Discussion he had with an elderly man called Uncle Job, a man who had traveled the world, seen and done it all, and his extraordinary journey to faith in Jesus. Who is Jesus? Don’t miss Uncle Job’s shocking declaration!

Self-Esteem from the Internet?

Where does self-esteem come from? Are you searching in the right place? Dave meets lots of young people who struggle to find theirs. From the seat of his bicycle, Dave tells about an epic adventure he took to find courage, confidence and self-esteem. His conclusions may surprise you!

Too Busy For God?

Is there anything or anyone keeping you from a relationship with God? Or, are you just too busy? In this video, Dave explores what idols looks, and how they keep us from having a relationship with God?

Got Covid fatigue? How Do We Let Go Of Stress?

During Covid, did you behave in ways that surprised you, and everyone around you? Covid created stress for all of us that many have been unable to release. Dave explores the question, “How do we move on?”

Finding Contentment

When you think about it, what are most people you know, especially teenagers, searching for? Contentment! Imagine how our lives would change if we felt really good about who we are, and the life choices we’re making. Are we searching in the right places to find contentment? Dave, from a local high school, shares about finding contentment.

Identity issues. Discovering Who You Are Meant To Be!

Many struggle with identity issues, that is, figuring out who they are or pretending to be someone they’re not. You won’t believe it when Dave shares his background with you! You can believe Dave’s had a lot of experience finding his true identity, and can help you find yours.